Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hated by teachers everywhere. Worldwide.
There are 10 languages that you can choose from. Including Japanese.
Some how, you put the above link in your powerpoint and POW!

Maybe because Wikipedia is TOO perfect.
Teachers want you to do some research on your own and not just copy and paste from and all too perfect and all-knowing source.

Wikipedia is near omnipotent.
It has everything.
I kid you not. Evil Cats.
You don't even need to take IH. Just read this and you're fine.
Now I see why teachers are so afraid of Wikipedia.
This is just so disturbing.
->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List of Questions 2009 HCI Final ( Sec 1)
See it to believe it.

Wikipedia. Friend or Foe?
You decide.

Peace Out Bro.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dan Brown's Lost Symbol

A Half-Hearted Book Review
By Sean Heng

Dan Brown's latest thriller, The Lost Symbol, deals with many aspects of American secret societies and ancient secrets .
Robert Langdon, the main protagonist, finds himself once again embroiled in a plot by a devil-worshiping maniac to transcend into godhood.

To begin,this book is long. Well, shorter than most so called "epic" stories but long nonetheless. It is 506 pages long, longer than most of the books that read.(they average 300-350 pages)

I am a relatively fast reader, and yet this book took me approximately 7 hours to read. I was foolish enough to try to do this in one sitting and now, my eyes BURN.
Do not try what I just did. Seriously.

It WILL hurt you like a ton a monkeys falling on you.

In the Beginning....

When Dan Brown first released this book, they were selling at like $40 Sing Dollars at Borders. Now, its probably down to about $20 dollars if I'm not wrong. However, its hard to find now, trust me.
I often go to bookstores and now I rarely see any of them.

Anyway, I obtained the book from a close friend. He was very willing to lend it to me.( In which I mean I had to beat him half to death before he would let me pry it from his dead, cold hands.)

I was eagerly anticipating the book because I watched Angels and Demons at the Theater and I was awed.

And then....

I realized that it was horrible.

I won't divulge most of the plot, but I can tell you that it focuses more on mystic symbols and religion than it actually does on the story. It completely ignores the storyline in favor of dishing out historical information.

I won't say Dan Brown sucks,but there are many better reads out there.

Peace Out Bro.