Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Shrimp

A shrimp.Who would have been afraid of one? Well.....

This shrimp I'm talking about is ....uh.. a bit different.

Meet my good friend, the....dum dum dum..... MANTIS SHRIMP.

It's a 30cm long shrimp that feeds on OTHER SHRIMP!

Like the mantis, the mantis shrimp rapidly unfolds and swings its claws at the prey and inflicts huge amounts of hurt and injury to prey.

Oh, they also come in two very properly named groups:

Spearers and Smashers.

Woah...... Im peeing in my pants already....

The acceleration from the claws when attacking are of 10,400 g and speeds of 23m per second.

To put that in context, a Space Shuttle has a g-force of 3.

And for the speed? 23m/sec is about the ssame speed as a bullet. Oh my....

Also, it produces unstable bubbles everytime it strikes, bubbles that collaspe quickly and produce ANOTHER force that can stun the prey.
WHICH MEANS..... Everytime the mantis shrimp attacks, it can attack TWICE! The first hit
from his claw, the second from the bubble...

And so... because of this great shrimp, it has earned itself the name of "prawn killer", "sea locust"
and "thumb splitter" because the shrimp attack the fingers of the Divers !!

Sorry for some reason I am unable to embed a video here so...
Please watch it here.

Thanks for reading!
Remember to comment!
